Monday, November 14, 2011

Blog #4!!!!!! Responses to responses

So, the week 4 blog is here, and there is a lot to do. Our teacher, Mr. Dunn, wants us to go to 4 of our classmates' blogs and and respond to their response of the question that they answered that was asked by another student. Very confusing, I know, but we have to do what we have to do. Hopefully this will go well.

I looked on Samantha's blog and found her response to Macayla's blog.

Macayla asked: 

Have you ever done something just for the popularity?

Samantha answered:

 I my self have not done something just because I thought it would make me more popular/give me more popularity. Sadly, many people in todays generation do however.  I think that they need to realize being yourself will make you a lot more friends than you trying to be someone else or by acting different. 

My response:

 Like Samantha, I have never done anything just to become popular. I always try to be myself around everyone that I am around. I have realized that I would rather have friends that understand me and that I can talk to about anything rather than friends that I can't stand and don't get the type of person that I am.

Next, I looked on Ben's blog. He answered a question asked by Emily.

Emily asked:

"When they talked about how kids used their parents to get to go to McDonald's, do you ever remember doing that to your own parents?"

Ben answered:

Yes i do. I would always ask to go to McDonalds because of the Playplace. And then inevitably i would say "im hungry" and we would get food. And thats how McDonald's makes their money.

My Response:

When I was little I would always tell my dad that I was hungry right when we would pass McDonald's. Then I would ask if we could go, and we usually went.

The third time I went on Jay's blog and found that she answered a question asked by Jason.

Jason asked:

Do you enjoy high school?

Jay answered:

I do enjoy high school for the most part. I believe this is one of the better high schools, because we are allowed to have some say in what we want to learn about and that makes it a much more enjoyable experience. Friends also help make the high school years that much better because the friends you make here help shape who you become and how the time her goes. But on the other side sometimes stress can get to you and it can come from anywhere such as over zealous parent, school work, peers, teachers, and even the sometimes overwelming idea of the future.

My Resonponse:

I enjoy high school very much.  Like Jay said, the friends that you make in high school help shape the person that you are gonig to be. High school helps you find who you really are. In high school you learn to branch out and find people that are like you. You also find out what you want to go after you graduate. So many doors are open in these four years. That is probably what I enjoy most about high school, the fact that I find out what I really want to do as a career. The bad part about high school though is having tons of homework. And most of it I personally feel we will not need after we graduate.

I looked on Brad's blog last and found a response to a question asked by Malik.

Malik asked:

Have you ever done something that could drastically change your life and lives of many others?

Brad answered:

I have done something, that could have drastically changed my life, and my families.  It may sound stupid, but one thing that I do a lot, is ride my bike without my helmet.  This may not sound like a big deal, but if for some reason I was riding, and were to fall, and hit my head, I could be in serious trouble.  I could possibly even have brain damage, if the fall was serious enough.  If this were to Happening to me it would definitely effect me and my family. I guess in a way, I'm being kind of selfish.    

My Response:

I do not believe that I have done anything to drastically change my life or the lives of others. I try to think of what I do before I do it that way I can try to make the best decision possible.

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